The officers of the Aspen Center for Physics are responsible for the operations of the Center throughout the year following the policies set by the Trustees and the Members. This is a major responsibility and requires a great deal of time and dedication. The principal officers are the President who is the chief executive officer; the Treasurer who is the chief financial officer; the Corporate Secretary who is responsible for the for the Center’s minutes, correspondence, and other official records; and the Scientific Secretary who chairs the Admissions Committee which selects the participants in the summer program from among the multitude of applicants.
There can also be one to three Vice Presidents, an Assistant Treasurer, an Assistant Corporate Secretary, and an Assistant Scientific Secretary if these are needed. The terms of office are three years for the President, Vice Presidents, Treasurer, and Corporate Secretary. All other officers serve one-year terms. Officers may be reelected. The officers must all be Members of the Corporation. They are elected by the Trustees, usually after a search and nomination by the Nominating Committee of the Members.