All physicists staying in ACP-arranged housing during the summer program receive a subsidy from our NSF grant to reduce lodging expenses. During winter conferences support varies depending on grants from other entities obtained by the conference organizers and distributed by them.
International Participants
The Simons Foundation generously provides funds to support physicists from countries where science funding is not strong or from economically disadvantaged countries. Applicants who are accepted to the summer program will receive letters of acceptance that include information about Simons funding, if the country in which they work is eligible that year. The Simons grant supports registration fees, shared housing while in Aspen (a separate bedroom in a two- or three-bedroom apartment), and a portion of air travel. The amount of support varies from year to year, but may not cover the complete travel cost.
Early-career Participants
The Shaham and Trustee Funds cover a portion of the ACP registration fees for a limited number of early-career participants. The Block fund supporting one promising young physicist per winter conference is awarded by the conference organizers. The Durand Fund also supports early-career scientists and their families.
Families & Childcare
The Ramond Family Fund and the Paula Johnson Fund provide support for families coming to the summer program for expenses including travel, childcare, and activities. Please indicate in your application if you would like to be considered for family support.