The Aspen Center for Physics is a nonprofit corporation. The Trustees are its board of directors. They are responsible for managing the operations of the Center within the policies set by the General Members, and in a way consistent with its Bylaws and Colorado law. In particular, the Trustees establish the operational policies and procedures for the Center and oversee its finances. They elect the corporate Officers from among the General Members to handle actual operations, and may appoint additional Administrative Officers to handle administrative responsibilities, but retain the overall responsibility for the operations of the Center.

Csaba Csaki
Daniel S. Freed
Evalyn Gates
Ilona Nemeth
Enrico Ramirez-Ruiz
Gil Refael
Yael Shadmi
Risa Wechsler
Clare Yu
Honorary Trustees
Past Honorary Trustees
Past Trustees
Abrahams, Elihu
1975 - 1982
Abrahams, Elihu
1991 - 1994
Adler, Stephen L
1972 - 1978
Anderson, Les
1988 - 1992
Anderson, Philip Warren
1976 - 1982
Anderson, Robert O.
1968 - 1981
Appelquist, Thomas
1988 - 1992
Ashkin, Julius
1968 - 1972
Bagger, Jonathan
2001 - 2007
Baranger, Michel
1968 - 1974
Bardeen, William Allan
1986 - 1991
Beg, Mirza Abdul Bagi
1981 - 1986
Bernstein, Jeremy
1981 - 1994
Berry, R. Stephen
1979 - 1984
Bethe, Hans
1968 - 1976
Bhatt, Ravin
1988 - 1991
Bhatt, Ravin
1993 - 1996
Boehm, Felix
1976 - 1979
Brown, Harrison
1969 - 1972
Brown, Lowell S.
1982 - 1988
Burrows, Adam
2008 - 2014
Cameron, A. G. W.
1972 - 1977
Carruthers, Peter
1975 - 1982
Cohen, Andrew
1999 - 2005
Cohen, Michael
1968 - 1976
Coleman, Sidney
1981 - 1987
Coleman, Sidney
1995 - 2001
Colgate, Stirling
1972 - 1978
Coppersmith, Susan N.
2000 - 2006
Coppersmith, Susan N.
1993 - 1996
Craig, Robert
1968 - 1975
Cronin, James Watson
1979 - 1982
Cross, Michael
1986 - 1993
D' Hoker, Eric
1989 - 1991
D' Hoker, Eric
1995 - 1998
DeWolf, Nicholas
1983 - 1990
De Young, David S.
1973 - 1981
De Young, David S.
1991 - 2001
Doniach, Sebastian
1980 - 1990
Durand, Bernice
1980 - 1986
Durand, Bernice
1991 - 1993
Durand, Loyal
1968 - 1980
Fabbiano, Giuseppina
2016 - 2022
Ferrell, Richard
1968 - 1972
Field, George B.
1972 - 1974
Fishbane, Paul
1974 - 1981
Fishbane, Paul
1992 - 1995
Fisher, Daniel S.
1984 - 1990
Fivel, Daniel I.
1968 - 1976
Flug, Martin
2006 - 2012
Frauenfelder, Hans Emil
1980 - 1986
Frazer, William
1994 - 2000
Freedman, Daniel Z.
1977 - 1982
Frieman, Joshua
2006 - 2012
Gasiorowicz, Stephen
1980 - 1986
Gell-Mann, Murray
1968 - 1980
Goldbart, Paul
2014 - 2018
Goldberger, Marvin L.
1968 - 1973
Grindlay, Jonathan E.
1989 - 1991
Gross, David
1987 - 1990
Grosberg, Alexander
2018 - 2024
Haber, Howard
2005 - 2011
Haldane, F. Duncan M.
1984 - 1990
Harvey, Jeffrey
1986 - 1994
Heeger, Alan J
1973 - 1976
Hogan, Craig
1997 - 2000
Huberman, Bernardo
1980 - 1986
Hudson, Edward
2012 - 2015
Johnson, Clifford
2013 - 2018
Jones, Barbara
1996 - 2002
Kallin, Catherine
1994 - 2000
Kalogera, Vassiliki
2014 - 2020
Kamionkowski, Marc
2010 - 2016
Karl, Gabriel
1983 - 1989
Kauffmann, Guinevere
2012 - 2013
Kaus, Peter
1968 - 1980
Kirkpatrick, E. Scott
1982 - 1984
Lamb, Donald Q.
1981 - 1987
Lederman, Leon Max
1989 - 1992
Lee, Benjamin
1976 - 1977
Lee, Patrick A.
1981 - 1987
Ligeti, Zoltan
2016 - 2022
Lykken, Joseph
2007 - 2013
Maynard, Robert
1988 - 1991
Mc Lerran, Lawrence
1987 - 1990
Meshkov, Sydney
1974 - 1981
Millis, Andrew
2010 - 2014
Morrison, David R.
2017 - 2023
Nayak, Chetan
2013 - 2019
Norton, Richard
1986 - 1991
Olinto, Angela
2002 - 2008
Ooguri, Hirosi
2011 - 2016
Pagels, Heinz R.
1972 - 1981
Peebles, P James E
1987 - 1990
Pincus Philip
2007 - 2013
Pines, David
1968 - 1980
Prange, Richard
1982 - 1988
Primakoff, Henry
1968 - 1972
Rabe, Karin
2002 - 2008
Ramond, Pierre
1980 - 1986
Ramond, Pierre
1989 - 1992
Rosner, Jonathan
1977 - 1983
Ruckenstein, Andrei
2001 - 2004
Ruderman, Malvin Avram
1984 - 1990
Scalapino, Douglas
1977 - 1980
Schmalian, Joerg
2008 - 2014
Schramm, David
1983 - 1990
Schwarz, John H.
1996 - 2002
Schwarz, John H.
1982 - 1988
Seitz, Frederick
1968 - 1972
Shankar, Ramamurti
2004 - 2010
Sigurdsson, Steinn
2015 - 2021
Simmons, Elizabeth H
2000 - 2006
Simmons, Elizabeth H
2013 - 2017
Simmons Jr., L. M.
1976 - 1982
Slansky, Richard
1982 - 1988
Slater, Joseph
1969 - 1982
Steigman, Gary
1977 - 1983
Stein, Daniel
1987 - 1990
Stein, Daniel
1992 - 1995
Stevens, Charles
2001 - 2007
Stone, A. Douglas
1995 - 2001
Stranahan, George
1968 - 1976
Stranahan, George
1988 - 1994
Taylor, Wati
2018 - 2024
Thouless, David J.
1982 - 1988
Troyer, Matthias
2014 - 2020
Truran, James W.
1979 - 1985
Truran, James W.
1991 - 1993
Truran, James W.
1996 - 1999
Turner, Michael S.
1984 - 1997
Weinberg, Erick J.
1986 - 1996
Wheeler, J. Craig
2000 - 2006
Wheeler, J. Craig
1988 - 1995
Williams, Robert
1982 - 1988
Wilson, Robert Rathbun
1969 - 1975
Wolfenstein, Lincoln
1968 - 1973
Wyse, Rosemary
2006 - 2010
Zachariasen, Fredrik
1976 - 1982