Proposing a Winter Conference

Proposal Instructions

Aspen Center for Physics Winter Conferences are restricted to one week in length and are intended to discuss new ideas and new data in physics and related fields, including physical aspects of biology, climatology and oceanography.

If you are interested in submitting a winter conference proposal, we recommend you to send a Letter of Intent by January 31. Only one organizer, the designated contact person, should submit the Letter of Intent, which should contain at least the title of the workshop, and the name of one organizer, his/her affiliation and email address.

Submitting a Proposal

For full consideration, the proposals must be submitted by February 28.

Only one organizer, the designated contact person, should submit the proposal. You will be notified of your status by March. More than 4 organizers is prohibited. Your proposal must include:

  1. Conference title. The topic should be related to physics.
  2. A three-page or less description/abstract and justification that presents a compelling case aimed at all members of the selection committee, not only specialists in the topic of the proposal.
  3. A list of preferred, acceptable and impossible weeks for the conference covering the weeks in January through March, ranked by how many of the organizers are available for each week. Other scheduling notes you could add are:
    • potential timing conflicts with national or international meetings or other conferences
    • a preference for a time adjacent to another meeting to increase international participation
    • other serious constraints
  4. A list of organizers, with email addresses and institutions. There is a maximum of 4 organizers.
    • Please Note: all organizers are expected to be present during entire conference
  5. A list of possible key speakers and key participants; bear in mind that winter conferences typically have around 80 participants.

Note: The link below is only active when we are accepting proposals.

“The overall experience at the conference was extremely positive and useful, the most stimulating conference for me in a long time. I met at least one new potential collaborator and had many thought provoking conversations. The Center provided a great opportunity to interact regularly.”

– Rebecca Schulman