Meet Our Physicists

Zoltan Ligeti

Vice President

Photo headshot of Zoltan Ligeti

Zoltan Ligeti received his undergraduate education at the Eotvos University in Hungary, and his Ph.D. at the Weizmann Institute of Science in Israel. He was the McCone Postdoctoral Fellow at the California Institute of Technology (Caltech) from 1994-97, and after a year at the University of California San Diego he joined the Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory (Fermilab) staff in 1998, and moved to Berkeley in 2000. His research interests include flavor physics, beyond standard model scenarios, neutrino physics, and dark matter.  He received the Department of Energy Outstanding Junior Investigator Award, served on numerous advisory and program review committees, and is a Fellow of the American Physical Society.

Photo headshot of Zoltan Ligeti

Positions Held

General Member, 2009 – current
Assistant Scientific Secretary 2013 – 2014
Scientific Secretary, 2014 – 2015
Trustee, 2016 – 2022
Vice President, 2022 – current