Meet Our Physicists

Ulrich (Uli) Schollwoeck

Headshot of Ulrich Schollwoeck

Ulrich (Uli) Schollwoeck is a quantum many-body theorist, working mainly on strongly correlated quantum systems from low-dimensional solids to ultracold atoms in optical lattices with a strong emphasis on computational methods, mainly tensor network algorithms. He is a native of Munich, Germany, where he started studying physics at the University of Munich (LMU), transferring to Balliol College, Oxford. He received his Master in Theoretical Physics from Oxford in 1991 and his Diploma in Physics (supervisor: Herbert Wagner) from Munich in 1993. After his PhD in Theoretical Physics with Thierry Jolicoeur at the Institute of Theoretical Physics of the French Atomic Energy Commission at Saclay (Paris) in 1995 and various stations of a postdoctoral career, he became in succession a group leader at the Max-Planck Institute for Solid State Research in Stuttgart (2002), associate professor in Munich (2003), and full professor at RWTH Aachen University (2004), from where he moved back to the University of Munich in 2009. He was a recipient of the Gerhard Hess award of the German Research foundation (DFG), elected a fellow of the American Physical Society, and also fellow of the Institute for Advanced Study (Wissenschaftskolleg) Berlin and member of the North-Rhine Westfalian Academy of Sciences. He is performing multiple services to the community, currently among other things as member of the Scientific Advisory Boards of the Flatiron Institute of the Simons Foundation in New York and of the Krupp Foundation in Essen, Germany, as well as trustee of the German Museum of Science and Technology (Deutsches Museum) in Munich.

Headshot of Ulrich Schollwoeck

Positions Held

General Member, 2024 – current