Meet Our Physicists
Piers Coleman

Piers Coleman was raised in Cheltenham, England. He completed his undergraduate education at Trinity College, Cambridge, studying Natural Sciences and Mathematics under the mentorship of Gilbert Lonzarich. In 1980 he won a Jane Eliza Procter Fellowship to Princeton University where he studied theoretical condensed matter physics and received a Ph.D.
He joined the faculty at Rutgers University in 1987. Since 2010 he has also held the position of University of London Chair of Theoretical Condensed Matter Physics at Royal Holloway. In 2011, he became a director of the Institute for Complex Adaptive Matter (ICAM).
His research focuses on the emergent properties of quantum matter and the development of novel conceptual approaches to Many Body Physics. He is deeply fascinated by all forms of emergence, from biological to quantum matter.

Positions Held
General Member, 2017 – current