Meet Our Physicists

Patty Fox

Patty Fox

Patty Fox’s was often the first face physicists saw when walking in the front door at Aspen Center for Physics. From 2005 through 2022, she worked to keep the physicists well-informed, and well-behaved. She, along with Jane Kelly and Paula Johnson, planned and executed a massive celebration for ACP’s 50th Anniversary –  where much of the history you are reading on this website originated from.

Patty retired in the fall of 2022, and she is perfectly happy tending to her farm, hiking, biking, and traveling. She even took a post as a wilderness ranger to occupy her newly-found free time. (Read the Aspen Times article here.)

Patty also started the Waldorf School in the Roaring Fork Valley, and has been a proponent of Steiner Education. Her daughter now has her own outdoor, nature & play based school, Apple Valley School, in Wyoming.

We wish her the best in her retirement!

Patty Fox

Positions Held

Communications and Front Desk, 2005-2022