Meet Our Physicists
Catherine Kallin

Catherine Kallin is a theoretical physicist, and the Canada Research Chair in Quantum Materials Theory at McMaster University. She joined the McMaster faculty in 1984 after receiving her PhD in Physics from Harvard and completing a post-doctoral fellowship at Kavli Institute for Theoretical Physics in Santa Barbara. Her field of study is novel electron behaviours in materials. She has spent sabbaticals at Bell Labs, Cornell, UBC, and is currently on a fellowship visiting Stanford University where she is working in the area of topological superconductivity – working with materials that conduct electricity with no loss of energy.
Her research is in the area of strongly correlated electron systems, including high temperature superconductors, frustrated antiferromagnets, and quantum Hall systems.
Catherine has held the Sloan, E.W.R. Steacie, and Guggenheim Fellowships and is a Fellow of the American Physical Society and the Canadian Institute for Advanced Research. Catherine has recently been named a Simons Fellow in Theoretical Physics, the only Canadian among 14 North Americans in 2016 to receive this prestigious honour.
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Positions Held
General Member, 1992-2002
Trustee, 1994-2000
Scientific Secretary, 1997-1998