Meet Our Physicists
Aruna Balasubramanian
Previous Summer Intern (2023)

Aruna Balasubramanian, a native of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, is an undergraduate at Yale University (Class of 2026), where she is pursuing degrees in Anthropology and History. At Yale, Aruna also works as a docent at the Yale Center for British Art and as a mentor for first-year students at the Asian American Cultural Center. She has written for L’Amuse-Bouche, Yale’s French-language undergraduate journal, and has illustrated for The Yale Layer, a student mental health magazine. A sitar player, she has earned a Madhyama Pratham certificate in performance and theory from the Akhil Bharatiya Gandharva Mahavidyalaya Mandal in Mumbai, India. Aruna is also an avid oil painter, and currently displays her landscapes at the Bleu Raven Fine Art Gallery in Santa Fe, New Mexico.

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