Summer Program
Traversing the Particle Physics Peaks – Phenomenology to Formal
July 30–August 20, 2023
Clay Cordova, University of Chicago
Isabel Garcia Garcia, New York University and Institute for Advanced Study
Patrick Meade, Yang Institute for Theoretical Physics
Shu-Heng Shao, Stony Brook University
This workshop aims to bring together theoretical physicists from the formal and particle physics communities in order to present recent advances and explore opportunities for synergy and collaboration. The focus will be on harnessing recent progress in formal theory to address outstanding problems in the Standard Model. In particular, we will explore how advances in the areas of generalized global symmetries, supersymmetric quantum field theories, conformal field theory, and new perspectives on confining gauge theories may lead to new ideas about the dynamics behind spontaneous symmetry breaking in the electroweak sector, color confinement, the absence of P and CP-violation in the QCD sector, finite temperature phase transitions, and many other outstanding questions.
Summer Workshops
The summer program, running for 16 weeks from late-May to mid-September, emphasizes exciting open problems at the cutting edge. Two or three concurrent workshops, each with a specific focus selected for timeliness and the potential for breakthroughs and of two to five weeks in length, establish the main themes of each week, with twelve or thirteen different workshops each summer, balanced across fields including particle physics, string theory, astrophysics and hard and soft condensed matter physics, as well as emerging areas including biological physics, ultra-cold atom physics, quantum information, and physical mathematics. Additional researchers participate in small working groups or as individual researchers. This framework is designed to maximize informal interactions and free discussion within each area and to promote cross-fertilization between different areas via the common language of theoretical physics. Participation in the summer program of the Aspen Center for Physics is by application and subsequent invitation only. View past workshops.