Dirac Medalists

ICTP’s Dirac Medal, first awarded in 1985, is given in honour of P.A.M. Dirac, one of the greatest physicists of the 20th century. It is awarded annually on Dirac’s birthday, 8 August, to scientists who have made significant contributions to theoretical physics. An international committee of distinguished scientists selects the winners from a list of nominated candidates.

The following winners have participated at the Aspen Center for Physics at least once.

Award Recipient, Year of Prize

  • Stephen L. Adler, 1998
  • Charles H. Bennett, 2017
  • Sir Michael V. Berry, 1995
  • James D. Bjorken, 2004
  • Edouard Brezin, 2011
  • Alessandra Buonanno, 2021
  • Nicola Cabibbo, 2010
  • Curtis G. Callan, 2004
  • John Cardy, 2011
  • Sidney Coleman, 1990
  • Sir Samuel Frederick Edwards, 2005
  • Ludwig Faddeev, 1990
  • Sergio Ferrara, 1993
  • Daniel Z. Freedman, 1993
  • Howard Georgi, 2000
  • Peter Goddard, 1997
  • Jeffrey Goldstone, 1991
  • Michael B. Green, 1989
  • David J. Gross, 1988
  • Alan Guth, 2002
  • F. Duncan Haldane, 2012
  • Jeffrey Harvey, 2023
  • John J. Hopfield, 2001
  • Roman Jackiw, 1998
  • Charles L. Kane, 2012
  • Thomas W. B. Kibble, 2013
  • Alexei Kitaev, 2015
  • Igor Klebenov, 2023
  • Robert H. Kraichnan, 2003
  • Joel L. Lebowitz, 2022
  • Patrick A. Lee, 2005
  • Elliott H. Lieb, 2022
  • Andrei Linde, 2002
  • Juan Martín Maldacena, 2008
  • Gregory W. Moore, 2015
  • Yoichiro Nambu, 1986
  • David Olive, 1997
  • James E. Peebles, 2013
  • Joseph Polchinski, 2008
  • Alexander Polyakov, 1986
  • Helen R. Quinn, 2000
  • Pierre Ramond, 2020
  • Nicolas Read, 2015
  • Martin John Rees, 2013
  • John H. Schwarz, 1989
  • Nathan Seiberg, 2016
  • Ashoke Sen, 2014
  • Stephen Shenker, 2023
  • Mikhail Shifman, 2016
  • Dam Thanh Son, 2018
  • Alexei Starobinsky, 2019
  • Paul J. Steinhardt, 2002
  • Andrew Strominger, 2014
  • Rashid Sunyaev, 2019
  • Leonard Susskind, 2023
  • Cumrun Vafa, 2008
  • Arkady Vainshtein, 2016
  • Peter van Nieuwenhuizen, 1993
  • Martinus J.G. Veltman, 1996
  • Gabriele Veneziano, 2014
  • Miguel A. Virasoro, 2020
  • Xiao-Gang Wen, 2018
  • Frank Wilczek, 1994
  • Edward Witten, 1985
  • Alexander Zamolodchikov, 2011
  • Shoucheng Zhang, 2012
  • Peter Zoller, 2006
  • Bruno Zumino, 1987

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